2019 Novena for Peace Day 8: Gratitude

Gratitude & Peace Go Hand-in-Hand Gratitude is one of the surest ways to lasting peace. This is not simply a religious claim. A fairly recent interest by science is showing gratitude’s benefits in study after study. It increases psychological and physical health, increases life satisfaction, and counteracts things such as materialism, envy, narcissism, and cynicism. …

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2019 Novena for Peace Day 1: Love in a Time of Conflict

The World Mirrors Me Great spiritual teachers have used metaphors of mirrors to describe how we encounter reality. One such metaphor is that the world reflects back to us what we project out to it. If we project love, compassion, and mercy we will see love, compassion, and mercy mirrored back to us. If we …

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Becoming an Architect of Change

After another enjoyable time on the Architect of Change radio show, Connie Whitman asked me to share Dr. Sauvage’s 4-Step Spiritual Action Plan and a version of St. Ignatius Examen. Both can help with the spiritual discipline needed to be an architect of change for yourself and the world. During the show (which I will post …

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Nurturing Your Body: Loving Yourself

Nurturing Your Body: Loving Yourself From Opening Hearts Chapter 5 Healing & Nurturing the Body The body is a miraculous self-repairing system of awe-inspiring  complexity. To maintain adequate function and prevent disease, the body requires a few vital things from us: good nutrition, adequate  exercise, and protection from toxins and the elements. Making good choices …

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Cardinal Rule 4: Manage Stress With Balance & Inner Peace

Rule 4: Manage Stress by Finding Balance and Inner Peace From Opening Hearts: Chapter 5 Five Cardinal Rules for Healthy Living Excessive, chronic stress can literally kill you. Our emotional, mental, and physical response to actual or perceived threats triggers the adrenal glands to release a flood of hormones including cortisol and adrenaline.42 [Footnote 42: …

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Cardinal Rule 3: Exercise – Good Nutrition’s Essential Partner

From Opening Hearts, Chapter 5’s Cardinal rules for healthy living: Rule 3 Exercise Human beings are created for activity; our bodies are made to move. Yet in our technological world too many of us spend most of our lives sitting. We sit in cars, at computers, in front of televisions and desks, and at sporting …

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